We zijn op zoek naar een belangenbehartiger voor 32 per week, die zich binnen het gemeentelijk en nationaal, politieke en maatschappelijke speelveld (het liefst met betrekking tot dakloosheid en…
Category: latest news
Letter to election commissionsLetter to election commissions
In this letter, we highlight the urgent need to address homelessness, on behalf of a broad representation of independent advocacy organizations working on behalf of homeless…
Homelessness researchHomelessness research
There is little collectivity in advocacy, which hinders the emergence of a broader social movement. Where like-minded organizations do manage to collaborate on services
New officeNew office
Are you curious about all the activities we undertook in 2023? Feel free to peruse our annual report and find out how we helped homeless people in Amsterdam…
Letter to election commissionsLetter to election commissions
In this letter, we highlight the urgent need to address homelessness, on behalf of a broad representation of independent advocacy organizations that…
Homelessness researchHomelessness research
There is little collectivity in advocacy, which hinders the emergence of a broader social movement. Where it is the like-minded…